Wednesday 25 June 2008

How does your solution work with virtual servers

There are products which move virtual servers from one server to another such as VMotion. Our solutions work alongside virtualisation solutions such as VMWare and Xen - on the one hand, they perform data replication between servers without the need for shared storage and on the other hand they perform application monitoring and recovery.

We monitor and recover at application level, not just at hardware level. This means that applications are monitored and recovered to a backup server. The active and the backup server can be physical or virtual. This brings me to the third differentiation. Our solutions work in both physical and virtual environments and any combination of physical or virtual. For example, we have many customers with physical environments who want to use a virtual server for a backup/failover server. The benefits of having virtual servers as backups are obvious (less hardware, less power etc), but many people have physical servers as active servers and do not want to invest in the additional licences and storage required to put in a fully virtualised solution.

So to summarise, we perform data replication without relying on any form or shared storage, we work at application level, and we work with any combination of physical and virtual infrastructure.

For more information on our virtual solutions.